

⭕️ John Milton, The Tractate of Education (1644). 约翰·弥尔顿《论教育》短文/偏操作层面

⭕️ Free Grace Broadcaster, BIBLICAL PARENTHOOD 清教徒圣经父母观 合集 目前尚无中译本 英文PDF下载 在线阅读

⭕️ J. C. Ryle, Duties for Parents (1860). 莱尔《父母的职责》/pdf/
父母的职责 莱尔

⭕️ John Gresham Machen, The Necessity of the Christian School, in Education, Christianity and the State (National Union of Christian Schools 1933). 梅钦 基督教学校的必要性 英文原作出处 短文/美国处境角度

⭕️ Arthur Walkington Pink, A Word to Parents (1886-1952). 宾克《向主内做父母的进一言》 英文原文PDF

⭕️ Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981),  Raising Children God’s Way (1950s Banner of Truth Trust 2007) /缺书 钟马田

Consists of five sermons that Lloyd-Jones preached at Westminster Chapel, London during his series on Ephesians

⭕️ Johannes G. Vos, What is Christian Education? (1980). 魏司道《什么是基督教教育?》/pdf/曾到中国

⭕️⭕️ Louis Berkhof and Cornelius Van Til, Foundations of Christian Education: Addresses to Christian Teachers

(Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1990). /Edited by Dennis E. Johnson

— Cornelius Van Til 范泰尔 



— Louis Berkhof 伯克富:



⭕️⭕️ Stephen C. Perks, The Christian Philosophy of Education Explained (Whitby Avant Books, 1992). /RR重修荒场/秋雨/FC共同推荐 EN-pdf/from kuyper.org 凯波尔基金会/派克斯《基督教教育哲学阐释》/参考书目很有价值 部分内容:教育作为圣约的一个层面(大纲) 教育和偶像崇拜(大纲)

⭕️ Edmund P. Clowney, the Church (IVP 1995). 克罗尼 《教会》第十章 教会的栽培 /pdf

⭕️ James W. Beeke, Martien VanderSpek and Theo M. VandeWeg, Teaching from a Christian perspective: an anthology sponsored by the Netherlands Reformed Congregations (NRC) Educator’s Association (Grand Rapids, MI: Netherlands Reformed Congregations Educator’s Association, 1997). 雅各 W. 毕克等 磐石培训《基督教教育》NRC 荷兰改革宗教育协会编制 陈凤译 第一章

⭕️ Joel R. Beeke, Parenting by God’s Promises (Reformation Trust Publishing 2011). 周毕克《靠主应许养育儿女》/pdf